Faculty of Theology and Religion

A photo which focusses on the hands of two students scanning books whilst sat at a tableThe Faculty of Theology and Religion is one of the oldest faculties of the university: one of the first courses of lectures given at Oxford over 800 years ago was in Theology. The Divinity School, the University’s oldest purpose-built teaching space, was built in the 15th Century for the express purpose of housing lectures and discussions on the subject.

The largest department for the study of Theology and Religion in the UK, the Faculty is a leading international centre for teaching and research. While maintaining its historic strengths in the study of the Bible, the history of Christianity, Theology, and Philosophy, it is now also a major centre for the study of world religions, the relation between religion and science, and the place of religion in public life.

We are helped immeasurably by the generosity of our friends and benefactors. Gifts support the Faculty’s priorities, which include attracting and securing world-leading academics by endowing or creating new posts, ensuring that members of the Faculty have the resources necessary for innovative research and teaching and providing the most talented students with financial support to study at the Faculty through scholarships and bursaries. We are grateful to all our benefactors, and welcome new donors. All gifts at any level are a great help.

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