Donate College The Queen's College The Queen's Access All Areas appeal seeks Old Members' and friends' support for the following key areas of College life: undergraduate and graduate student support, the College's ongoing access and outreach activities and supporting our academic excellence via tutorial subject fellowships. Donations to support the College's greatest area of need via the endowment are also always welcome. The Queen's Fund (Area of Greatest Need) Gifts will be directed towards the area of greatest need through the General Endowment Fund. The Queen's College Access and Outreach – TAP Help support Queen’s and The Access Project’s new partnership, to deliver a bold and sustained programme to four schools in the North West of England, and strengthen the College's historic links with the region. The Queen's College Student Support Fund Help support those students who would otherwise struggle financially through book, hardship and travel grants, funding for postgraduates and extra-curricular activities. The Queen's College Academic Excellence Fund Ensure the preservation of the tutorial system, so valued by students past and present. The college continues its commitment to employing Junior Research and Career Development Fellows to provide a framework within which young academics can thrive. The Queen's College Access and Outreach Fund Protect the college’s capacity to seek out and inspire those who most benefit from an Oxford education: help endow the School’s Liaison Officer post and meet the costs involved in connecting with link schools in the North West and South London. The Queen's College Peter Neumann Fellowship in Mathematics Gifts will be directed towards the Peter Neumann Fellowship in Mathematics. In celebration of the life and work of Dr Neumann and his contribution to College, Queen’s now seeks to raise support and funds to endow one of the two Mathematic Fellowships. The Queen's College JCR Arts Fund Help foster a strong sense of community and creativity amongst our Junior Common Room by providing funding for undergraduate plays, musical productions, and other artistic endeavours throughout the academic year. The Queen's College Christine Peters Prize for Women's and Gender History An Essay Prize awarded in Trinity Term to undergraduate members of The Queen's College, Oxford, for the best tutorial essay, or submission of a long essay or whole or part of a thesis on women's or gender history in the current academic year. The Queen’s College Translation Exchange The Queen's College Translation Exchange (QTE) is an outreach centre based at Queen's with the mission to inspire lifelong engagement in languages and international culture, from school through university and beyond. The Queen's College Sport Fund Donations towards supporting our Queen's students partake in sport. Donors in the US can give tax-effectively via Americans For Oxford (AFO).Donate via AFO