Sport at Oxford

The University of Oxford has a strong tradition of sporting excellence; consistently at the forefront of sporting endeavour and nurturing numerous record-breaking athletes. At Oxford we believe that sport is complementary to our academic mission, helping our students develop the life skills, confidence and wellbeing to succeed in study, society and within the workplace, whether they are an Olympian or an enthusiast.

In order to continue this tradition, and to provide students, staff, and the local community with opportunities to develop their sports, fitness and wellbeing, we need your support.

Sir Roger Bannister Athletics Track

The Sir Roger Bannister Athletics Track at Iffley Road has been in existence since 1876 and is the site where famously, Sir Roger Bannister first broke the four-minute mile in 1954. Your gift will allow the University to redevelop the track and make its surroundings accessible for disabled athletes. Thank you for supporting this iconic facility. For more details please do get in touch.

Sir Roger Bannister crossing the finish line to break the 4-minute-mile.

Active at Oxford

Gifts towards the Active at Oxford unrestricted fund will go towards a variety of areas, from facilities and equipment, to clubs and coaching. Your generosity will enable us to respond more effectively to the areas most in need, facilitating greater flexibility to provide a high quality sports and fitness experience for our students, sports clubs, staff and community members. It will also help support our growing accessible sports programme; for more details please do get in touch.

Sports clubs

If you used to be a member of a club at Oxford, or if you just have an interest in a sport, you can support a sports club today. Your gift will help to improve and secure the future of the club.

Find a University sports club

Sports facilities

You can help us with the redevelopment of the Iffley Road Sports Centre, expanding the opportunities for students, staff and the local community to engage in sport, and lead healthy and active lives. To learn more about the redevelopment please do get in touch by emailing us at

Donors in the US can give tax-effectively via Americans For Oxford (AFO).
Donate via AFO