Oxford University Polo Club
Oxford University Polo Club combines young players of all abilities from those who have never played before to seasoned professionals. The Club provides a relaxed environment where the key aim is to enjoy polo whilst promoting competition at the highest university levels, both nationally and internationally. In Michaelmas and Hilary terms arena polo is played and then in trinity the club moves back out to the grass.

The polo varsity is one of the oldest varsity events at the university, having been first played in 1878. Polo can be an expensive sport but as a university club catering for students OUPC makes polo as accessible as possible for anyone who is interested. OUPC relies on grants and the generosity of alumni to keep the club afloat.

Here are some of the ways in which your donation can make a difference:
- £20 will subsidise a single squad member's training session
- £50 will pay for transport to an away match
- £80 will pay for a mallet
- £110 will pay for a set of kneepads
- £160 will subsidise a full squad training session
- £200 will pay for the mounting of 1 person in the varsity match
- £800 will mount the team in the varsity match
- £1000 will pay for saddle, bridle and rugs for 1 pony
- £5000 will pay for a new polo pony
- £6500 will keep a pony for a year