Orienteering Club

The Oxford University Orienteering Club is a vibrant and dedicated club which is well respected among university and regional clubs alike. A half-blue sport, the orienteering Varsity Match is contested annually. Once every three years it is held abroad. We recently played host to the British Universities and Colleges Championships and placed second overall therein. Driving innovation in the sport at a national level, OUOC has established its City Race (inaugurated in 2006) as one of the major urban orienteering competitions in the UK.

Through the Oxford University Outreach Scheme, we work with children in local schools, introducing them to our sport which I believe invaluable in developing reasoning skills and personal confidence. We are keen to maintain our high levels of performance and involvement with our communities. Technology, such as electronic timing equipment, which need not be prohibitively expensive, makes a huge difference to the effectiveness of both our training and coaching.

We are fortunate and grateful to have received funding in the past for a basic set of equipment which we are keen to expand. Your support for the Orienteering Club will be much appreciated.

Donors in the US can give tax-effectively via Americans For Oxford (AFO).
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