Giving to the Mathematical Institute

Students writing mathematical equations on window.

Mathematics is central to science and society, embedded in every discipline and every industry. Oxford Mathematics sits at the heart of mathematics across the globe. We want Oxford to be the destination of choice for the students, researchers and teachers of tomorrow, but in order to achieve this, we need the support of the many people who have experienced and benefited from mathematics in Oxford over the years.

We are facing fierce competition from other universities for the best graduate students. With traditional sources of funding becoming increasingly stretched, the need for the Mathematical Institute to provide scholarships that will attract, support and retain these bright minds grows ever more critical. We simply cannot afford to lose them.

Online donations to the Mathematical Institute Fund will be used to support graduate students to study at Oxford. Your donations will enable the institute to remain at the forefront of international research by helping to ensure that the best mathematicians can apply to and accept their place at Oxford without financial concern. Just as importantly, you will be contributing to the development of mathematics itself, the cornerstone of so much of the modern world.

If you would like to make a donation towards a more specific purpose, such as research fellowships or statutory professorships, please contact Charlotte Garner who will be happy to discuss the options available.

Donors in the US can give tax-effectively via Americans For Oxford (AFO).
Donate via AFO