Giving to the Immunology Research Fund
Our immune system plays a crucial role in protecting us from disease. It detects and responds to infections, helping to prevent us from becoming ill.
Problems with our immune response can cause autoimmune disease, inflammatory disease and cancer. More than eighty common immune-related diseases have also been identified, including rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, diabetes and Crohn’s disease. Many of these diseases are currently considered incurable, causing untold human suffering and millions of deaths every year.
Oxford’s immunology research has incredible breadth and depth, with over 400 researchers working to understand and find solutions to immune diseases. Led by Professor Paul Klenerman, a world-renowned researcher specialising in infectious disease immunology, and directed by a team of leading academics, these researchers are driving forward the rapid development of new treatments and therapies for some of the most common and destructive immune-related diseases.

Gifts of any size to the Immunology Research Fund will enable us to push boundaries and develop new ideas without delay. Your generous support will contribute towards a step-change in understanding and finding treatments for immune disorders.
If you would like to discuss making a significant contribution towards the fund, or for more information, please email Helen Cox on
Philanthropy now offers a powerful opportunity to deliver step-change to immunology research, and to improve and save many lives.Sir John Bell, Regius Professor of Medicine