
Oxford is the world’s leading university for humanities teaching and research. The University’s scholarship in languages, literature, history, philosophy, religion and the arts – from the earliest civilisations to the present day – enriches our understanding of humankind, and informs how we engage with historic issues and contemporary concerns.

Oxford offers a humanities education unparalleled in its quality and range of subjects. The University’s library and museum collections, including the Bodleian Library and the Ashmolean Museum, provide unsurpassed resources to support teaching and research. Through intensive undergraduate tutorials and postgraduate supervision by world-class experts, Oxford Humanities students benefit from a unique learning experience and excellent preparation for the leading roles which they go on to fulfil in society.

To ensure that Oxford remains the world’s leading centre for the humanities, the University is committed to:

  • Securing the resources to attract and retain the very best academics from around the world and to support academic programmes
  • Securing fully-funded scholarships to attract the brightest and best graduate scholars
  • Developing world-class facilities for teaching and research

Philanthropic support will play a vital role in helping Oxford fulfil these objectives

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