Green Templeton College

Green Templeton College is one of the most intellectually exciting places in one of the great universities of the world. As the University of Oxford’s newest college, it has the unique combination of being a contemporary college in an ancient seat of learning. Since its foundation in 2008 through a merger of the University’s pioneering Medical (Green) and Management (Templeton) Colleges, it has brought together education, research and development across health and medicine, business and management, as well as selected social sciences, to create a hub of innovative, interdisciplinary and practical thinking, defining and seeking to solve major problems.

Like all other colleges at Oxford, Green Templeton benefitted from the generosity of key individuals, whose philanthropic nature and passion for education drove them to found two highly innovative institutions, which have become the GTC we know today. Building on the strength of its past, GTC’s ambition is to become one of the key places to engage with scholars, practitioners and professionals in understanding and enhancing human welfare in the contemporary world. With continued support and generosity from alumni and friends it will succeed.

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