Giving to the Department of Computer Science

The Department of Computer Science at Oxford University is ranked third globally and first in Europe for its programmes in computer science and information systems. This tradition of excellence has seen tremendous growth in the past decade. We celebrated the 65th Anniversary of Computer Science at Oxford in 2022.

The department’s interdisciplinary research ranges from the theory and foundations of computer science, for which it has long been recognised internationally, to a variety of application areas – including Cyber Security, AI, Quantum Computing, Information Systems, and Computational Biology. The department is looking to grow these areas of world-leading expertise over the coming years, building on our core strengths in boundary-defining research.

Ongoing research initiatives include:

Pervasive computing

Computers are all around us in the modern world: in phones, credit cards, medical devices, sensors, and even in some shopping trolleys, with the list growing ever longer. Many of these pervasive applications (which are far removed from traditional PC-based models) are safety critical or bring opportunities for fraud. This presents new challenges in areas such as security, networking and verification – challenges that we must meet.

Information systems in a global age

With the advent of the internet, we are overwhelmed with information, from all over the world, in many languages and in many media. The scientific and technological challenge is to devise methods and tools for the automatic storage, searching and analysis of this vast wave of information.

Computational Biology and Visualisation

The department is already heavily involved in interdisciplinary work on medical imaging, and has world-leading expertise in physiological modelling. Future challenges include building integrated models of organs and organisms; the development of computational drug ‘trials’; and advances in the visualisation of data (converting the results of simulations and analyses into pictures).

The Next 60 Years…

At Oxford University’s Department of Computer Science, we are inventing the future. Through the generous support of our donors, we can create research studentships; and new facilities in which our academics and students can carry out collaborative innovation and research. If you would like to join us in this endeavour, please make a gift below or contact Ben Armstrong, Interim Head of Development, at

Donors in the US can give tax-effectively via Americans For Oxford (AFO).
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