Faculty of Classics

Photo of Ancient Greek potteryOxford is home to the largest faculty of Classics in the world. For over 900 years scholars have been studying the ancient world at Oxford and the faculty continues to be at the very centre of discovery and innovation in the subject. Classics at Oxford offers an unparalleled range of undergraduate and graduate courses, encompassing archaeology and history, philosophy, literature and linguistics.

The work of the faculty is helped immeasurably by the generosity of its supporters. Gifts help us ensure that our research centres continue to be world leaders in their field, enable us to attract the very best academics, and provide generous support to talented students in the form of scholarships and bursaries. We are extremely grateful to our friends and benefactors who give each year, allowing us to achieve these goals, and we welcome new donors. From a £5 standing order to a larger donation, all gifts make a difference.

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