Brain Health
From early childhood through to older age, the health of our brains is complex and comes up against many challenges.
Whether it be a mental illness or a neurodegenerative disease, the urgency to improve treatment and care is growing fast.
The University of Oxford’s Department of Psychiatry has the expertise and research teams working on the most promising solutions for brain health across the lifespan. From childhood development to adolescent mental health, to diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
With your support, we will advance the understanding, prevention and treatment of brain health and disease.
Support Brain Health today
One in six adults will experience a common mood disorder like anxiety or depression in their lifetime, and 50% of mental health problems are established by age 14.
More than 1 million people in the UK will have dementia by 2030 and the costs are predicted to hit £47 billion by 2050.
With mental health research chronically underfunded and an increasingly difficult economic climate, funding is needed to tackle the brain health challenges so many of us face.
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Thank you for helping us find solutions to the challenges that affect many of us and our loved ones across our lifetimes.