Giving to the Biology Department

Research in the Department of Biology explores the breadth and diversity of life on earth at multiple scales. It builds on a history of high-quality research from staff and students, and continues to inform and shape the direction of international bioscience research and policy. The department provides holistic training in how to be a biologist of the future to tackle universal challenges such as global pandemics, impacts of climate change, threats to biodiversity, and feeding a growing population.

You can help train the next generation of biologists by supporting graduate scholarships. Exceptional graduate students are the research leaders of the future, and scholarships enable us to attract the best possible candidates from the UK and internationally regardless of the candidates’ financial circumstances.

At the undergraduate level, field courses continue to be a major teaching tool for the MBiol in Biology course. Much-needed travel bursaries provide crucial funding for field courses, which equip students with the necessary skills and technologies to pursue future careers and gain hands-on experience studying subjects such as global climate change and conservation biology.

The Department of Biology formed in 2022, from the merger of the former Departments of Plant Sciences and Zoology.

Donors in the US can give tax-effectively via Americans For Oxford (AFO).
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